Corona 229 additional one day, 433 total in South Korea


In South Korea, Coron19 confirmed 229 additional patients during the day of February 22.

Of these, 146 patients were involved in the Shincheon Daegu Church. As a result, there were a total of 433 patients with Corona19, including 231 patients with Shinchon Daegu Church, more than half of all patients.


Three people died. On the same day, a 41-year-old man was found dead in his home and was diagnosed as "positive", and the exact cause of his death is being investigated. The death toll of two deaths at Qingdao University Hospital was confirmed as Corona19.

The two patients currently in quarantine treatment are serious enough to receive EMO or ECMO.



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the current situation in Korea at 4 pm

 on April 22. 


The total number of confirmed patients was 433. Compared to 4:00 pm the previous day, 

229 people were added.

142 more overnight, 87 more confirmed in half a day. Of the 229 newly identified, 200 came from Daegu 

and Gyeongbuk (TK). There are 117 in Gyeongbuk and 83 in Daegu.


The number of confirmed patients in the TK area has increased to 352 out of 433.

Twenty nine people were identified in other regions.


There are six people in Gyeonggi, five in Gangwon, three in Busan, Seoul and Gwangju,

two in Chungbuk and Daejeon, and one in Ulsan, Jeonnam, Jeonbuk, Sejong and Jeju.


Gangwon, Daejeon, Sejong, and Ulsan, which have been classified as clean areas, have also confirmed.


Of the 229 patients with Corona 19 that occurred on the 22nd, 146 patients were involved in the 

Shincheon Earth Church. 


Coron19 patients in Sincheon Daegu Church have grown to 231, more than half of all confirmed patients.



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