In South Korea, More than 2,000 infected COVID 19 after two days of 1,000 reach.


The total number of COVID19 confirmed patient in Korea exceeded 2,000 in 39 days since the first patient occurred on January 20.


The number of COVID 19 confirmed patients, it reached 1000 line last 26th Feb, and it became doubled in two days.

According to the Center for Disease Control of Korea, the confirmed patient belonging to the Shincheonji Daegu Church was increaed dramatically.



The number of confirmed patients is expected to increase further this weekend.


It is because there are likely to be cases in which Shincheonji members under investigation are being confirmed indeed.




Kim, General Coordinator of Goverernment, said,


“The local governments have secured a list of Shincheonji member who attended last, and we are comparing them with the lists secured by the government.”


Based on the list of Shincheonji, government will look for the hidden part of members, means the high risk of society virus outbreak further.


The government also completed sample test 1,299 Shinchon Daegu church members who said they had suspected symptoms of COVID 19 infection ( such as coughing and fever ).



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